Here at the Trunk Bottle Company, our core beliefs centre around our incredible planet and its inhabitants. That’s why we work our hardest to make an ongoing commitment to be as kind to the planet as possible.

If you're not aware of the effects that plastic is having on our environment, check out these key facts:

- Nearly 300 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced every year.

- There are approximately 50-75 trillion pieces of plastic and microplastics currently in the ocean.

- Plastic wastage is growing at an annual rate of 9%.

- 75% of all plastic produced has become waste.

- It takes around 500-1,000 years for plastics to decompose.

- 73% of all litter on beaches worldwide is plastic.

- About 91% of plastic is not yet being recycled.

-Around 1 million plastic bottles are sold every minute around the world and 1.6 billion cups of takeaway coffee. Just think if each person swapped to a reusable bottle how much plastic this would save from our lands and oceans.


We know it’s difficult to fully comprehend what all those facts truly mean, but what we know for certain is it means bad news. Bad news for our beautiful oceans, incredible wild and marine life, the environment as a whole, as well as bad news for us humans.

Here at The Trunk Bottle Company, we want to make sure we are doing what we can to play our part. That’s why all our products are designed to be reusable to help combat the need for unnecessary single use plastic. But we don’t stop there! We use a mix recycled, recyclable and biodegradable material for our packaging, notecards and boxes, alongside making sure that any inks that are used are plant based.

Unfortunately, plastic pollution and waste aren’t the only environmental issues that we face, which is why we use carbon neutral shipping for our products and we are looking at ways to improve out carbon footprint at every step. Check out our partnership with Ecologi to learn about the great work they do and understand why we are proud to partner with them.

We know we're not perfect (yet), but we are deeply committed to continuously improving the sustainbility of our company. After all, that's why we started TTBC in the first place!

We're elephant obsessed and our oldest friends need our help.

Not only are these amazing creatures under constant threat of poaching and loss of habitat, but they're also dying from plastic consumption too and we're determined to help put a stop to it. Did you know:

- Only approx. 40,000 Asian elephants are remaining in the wild. They are classed as critically endangered. 

- Approx. 415,000 remain of African elephants compared to 12million just a century ago.

- Asian elephant numbers have dropped by at least 50% in the past 3 generations and are still declining. Certain species of African elephant are being poached near to extinction.

- Elephants play vital roles in their ecosystems, maintaining forests, dispersing seeds and encouraging tree regeneration, but their habitats are shrinking. Asian elephants only see 15% of their original range.

- Asian elephants are subjected to terrible cruelty to be 'broken' for entertainment purposes in the tourist trade such as elephant riding. They are kept captive for life.

-Plastic is infiltrating their environments meaning elephants are unknowingly consuming plastic which is killing them.


We are proud to be a partner of Ecologi and every time you buy a product for us, they plant a tree to help with deforestation around the world.

Not only are we helping our customer be more sustainable and kinder to the world, we’re helping you look good doing it.

Check Out Ecologi

Save Elephant Foundation

This elephant foundation based in Asia, founded by Lek Chailert, are an amazing non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting Asian elephants.

50p of every bottle we sell goes directly to them in the pursuit of elephant welfare. We work hard everyday to see this grow and we thank you for being part of something truly special.

We couldn't be prouder to be partnered with such a remarkable foundation.

Find out more


We understand that sometimes trying to do better for the planet can be a little overwhelming, after all where are you meant to start when there are always problems in the world that seemingly need your help?!

We believe the that making small, simple changes to your everyday living can lead to bigger impacts, and our mission is to support people to do this.

You can plant trees with Ecologi and donate to our elephant partner Save Elephant Foundation directly through the links, or simply treat yourself to a beautiful reuseable bottle or tumbler where you will plant a tree and support the elephants just by purchasing.

Shop Reuseable